Are you trying to install Happy Kids Timer Chores for PC? We will show you the installation method of Happy Kids Timer Chores in Windows, Mac, Linux PC. This app has been installed over 1253447 times. The latest version of the Happy Kids Timer Chores, which is 2.5.4 is already have released at Jun 2, 2022. Let’s help you download the app on your PC and enjoy it on computers like you do on your phone.
Do you know the technical specifics of Happy Kids Timer Chores for PC? Why not get to know those aspects before we discuss the downloading and installation processes?
Happy Kids Timer Chores Andorid App Summary
The Happy Kids Timer Chores application developer is Kids Smart Zone. They listed the Happy Kids Timer Chores under the Parenting category on Play Store. The latest user count of the Happy Kids Timer Chores is more than 1253447. With a 4.3, the latest 2.5.4 of the Happy Kids Timer Chores is holding a good position for users.
The latest update date of the Happy Kids Timer Chores is Jun 2, 2022, meaning that it has the latest features. You cannot use it on your PC without using an Android emulator. The most popular and best emulators are BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Player Emulator.
If you need a complete guide on how to use the Happy Kids Timer Chores on your PC using the right emulator, we’ve discussed the methods in this article.
App Name: | Happy Kids Timer Chores On Your PC |
Devoloper Name: | Kids Smart Zone |
Latest Version: | 2.5.4 |
Android Version: | 8.0 |
Supporting OS: | Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit) |
Package Name: | com.evoprox.morningroutines |
Download: | 1253447+ |
Category: | Parenting |
Updated on: | Jun 2, 2022 |
Get it On: |
Happy Kids Timer Chores Download & Install for PC: Windows 10/8/7
Planning to run Happy Kids Timer Chores on the computer is not impossible. In fact, with the help of BlueStacks android emulator, you can finally run the Happy Kids Timer Chores and other apps on your computer just fine. Here are the possess and steps you need to know:
- It all starts by downloading the BlueStacks Android emulator. It’s very easy to use, and has apps ready to go.
- Download the BlueStacks emulator and install it on your computer. Decline the other app installation offers as you install it.
- Finish up the installation and you’ll see Play store on the starter page that comes installed in BlueStacks.
- Click open the Play store app, log into your google account, and search for Happy Kids Timer Chores on the search bar.
- You’ll get it on the first result. Click on the search result and start the installation by clicking install.
- Once installed, you can launch it from both your desktop and BlueStacks starter page where the app will add a shortcut.
Happy Kids Timer Chores App Overview and Details
Make the back to school transition smooth and encourage children to be independent
Happy Kids Timer is a simple to use visual timer app for children which helps them complete their morning or bedtime chores easily and on schedule.
This chore app is totally operated by your child, who carries the mobile device to each area/room where the daily task needs to be carried out/completed. You should give this game a try, if your child or teenager deals with ADHD/autism or needs to improve time management or following your busy daily schedule.
Why kids will love chores
The app offers a totally new approach that guides your kids with animated chores through their morning or bedtime turning chores into a funny educational game. It utilizes a smart incentive daily program with awards and a printable certificate. You don’t need old-fashioned chore chart anymore!
Smooth back to school transition
Do you struggle every morning to have your children get ready to face a long day at school? With Happy Kids Visual Timer app bedtime doesn’t have to be challenging either.
If the visual timer just helps get you through a few mornings, makes putting kids to bed an enjoyable experience, or make back to school transition easier our mission will have been accomplished, but our experience indicates children love it and will use it for months.
Morning routine
Contains 8 animated chores for kids that will learn them to: Make your bed, Brush your teeth and wash your hands, Get dressed, Brush you hair, Eat your breakfast, Pack your lunch box, Pack your bag, Put your shoes on
Bedtime routine
Contains 7 animated chores for kids that will learn them to: Tidy your room, Go to the toilet, Take a shower or bath, Put on your pajamas, Brush your teeth, Prepare your clothes for tomorrow, Read a book, turn the lights off and go to sleep
The app includes common morning and bedtime activities and great motivation features and help kids learn new habits.
Premium version
The basic version guides your child through the whole morning or bedtime routines with predefined settings. Please consider a premium version to unlock all the feature and make this motivational chore app more flexible. Children will have fun and get through their routines on time.
With the single in-app purchase you willbe able to:
– add 4 custom chores with your own activity picture for each routine or change chores order to better fit your home habits,
– change duration or minimal activity duration time to better motivate kid,
– remove countdown timer to reveal stress from kids with autism or ADHD,
– name the reward you want your child to receive,
– define target stars amount for kid to deserve an reward,
– email/print a certificate after kids collected a defined amount of stars,
– and more.
Visit us
We are an open parents’ community, making sure our children use smart devices not just to play games. This visual timer app was made by parents and tested on our own preschool kids and toddlers.
Visit us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Tell us your story, suggest improvements or learn new parenting tips.
Tweets by HappyKidsTimer
Whats New In this Happy Kids Timer Chores?
Minor bug fixes and optimization
You can use the 2.5.4 of Happy Kids Timer Chores app in the PC using the emulator. Also, the Happy Kids Timer Chores app, Kids Smart Zone offers better features and usability compared to similar apps, and easier to use on bigger computer screen.
You’ll find very little number of apps like Happy Kids Timer Chores in the Parenting. The multi screen usage also is good for Happy Kids Timer Chores if you use the emulator we’ve suggested above to run it. It is available on Android, Desktop, Laptop, as well as Mac.
If you faced any problem using the app, contact through the Kids Smart Zone to get support. You can also let us know that so that we can also help you resolve it.
So, did you find the guide on how to download the Happy Kids Timer Chores for PC above? If you did, or if you have any questions regarding it, do comment and let us know. We’re here to help.
We refer the ownership of This Happy Kids Timer Chores to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for Happy Kids Timer Chores and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.
Here at windowsoffline, we also don’t use our own server to download the Happy Kids Timer Chores. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the Happy Kids Timer Chores.
If you have any query about the app or about windowsoffline, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.