Are you trying to install Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi for PC? We will show you the installation method of Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi in Windows, Mac, Linux PC. This app has been installed over 86224 times. The latest version of the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi, which is 3 is already have released at Dec 13, 2020. Let’s help you download the app on your PC and enjoy it on computers like you do on your phone.
We will help you download the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi for PC and install it fast. But you must know the technical specifications of it before that. Here are they:
Download & Install Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi on PC: Windows 11/10/8/7
Using the NOX app Player is a great way to download and install the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi on your PC. All you have to do is, follow the steps below, install the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi, and use it on the bigger screen of your computer:
- Step 1: You have to download the NOX player on your computer using the official link here.
- Step 2: You’ll install this great emulator from your computer and click on launch to start the interface.
- Step 3: Next step is to log into your Google account in the Play Store app that the NOX app player comes with.
- Step 4: To find the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi, you have to search for it in Play Store after logging into the Play store account.
- Step 5: As you see, the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi appears on the first result. Click on it and you’ll see the Install button to download it.
- Step 6: Download the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi by clicking install. It will take a few minutes to get the app shortcut added to your homepage.
- Step 7: Start using the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi on your computer by launching it using the app icon you can see on the NOX app player homepage.
App Name: | Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi On Your PC |
Devoloper Name: | Tibbiyot |
Latest Version: | 3 |
Android Version: | 4.4 |
Supporting OS: | Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit) |
Package Name: | com.tibbiyot.ensiklopediyasi |
Download: | 86224+ |
Category: | Medical |
Updated on: | Dec 13, 2020 |
Get it On: |
Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi Andorid App Summary
Tibbiyot is the developer of the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi, and they have the app under the Medical of Google Play Store. The latest version of the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi from them is 3 with over 86224 users under the hood. With a 0.0 rating, the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi is clearly a popular choice for users for the job it does.
Latest update date of the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi is Dec 13, 2020, so you’ll find the latest features. However, you can’t just use the app directly on a computer, you need to use an Emulator to do so. Our recommendations for emulators are BlueStacks, Nox Player, and Memu Emulator.
Do you need a guide to download and install the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi on your computer using an emulator? This article is all about helping you do just that! Stick to the guide below.
Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi App Overview and Details
Ushbu “Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi”da inson organizmida uchraydigan kasalliklar bilan bir qatorda, tibbiyot amaliyotida ko’p ishlatiladigan tushunchalar, unga bog’liq sohalarga oid atamalar, shuningdek, ayrim dori-darmonlar haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.
“O‘zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi” Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti – Ko‘p jildli O‘zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi, soha ensiklopediyalari, izohli va ko‘p tilli lug‘atlar, maʼlumotnomalar tayyorlash va nashr etishga ixtisoslashgan ilmiy-maʼrifiy muassasa. Dastlab O‘zbekiston hukumatining „O‘zbek sovet ensiklopediyasi Bosh redaksiyasini tashkil etish haqida“gi qarori (1968-yil 18-yanvar) bilan Toshkentda O‘zbekiston FA tarikibida (O‘zbekiston FA Til va adabiyot institutining 1965-yil tuzilgan ensiklopediya bo‘limi negizida) O‘zbek sovet ensiklopediyasi Bosh redaksiyasi nomi bilan tashkil etilgan. 1990-yildan 1997-yilga qadar „Qomuslar Bosh tahririyati“ deb yuritilgan.
Whats New In this Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi?
Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi
You can use the 3 of Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi app in the PC using the emulator. Also, the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi app, Tibbiyot offers better features and usability compared to similar apps, and easier to use on bigger computer screen.
You’ll find very little number of apps like Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi in the Medical. The multi screen usage also is good for Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi if you use the emulator we’ve suggested above to run it. It is available on Android, Desktop, Laptop, as well as Mac.
If you faced any problem using the app, contact through the Tibbiyot to get support. You can also let us know that so that we can also help you resolve it.
So, did you find the guide on how to download the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi for PC above? If you did, or if you have any questions regarding it, do comment and let us know. We’re here to help.
We refer the ownership of This Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.
Here at windowsoffline, we also don’t use our own server to download the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the Tibbiyot Ensiklopediyasi.
If you have any query about the app or about windowsoffline, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.