Aneka Resap Kue Nastar For PC – Free Download In Windows 7, 8, 10 And Mac

Are you trying to install Aneka Resap Kue Nastar for PC? We will show you the installation method of Aneka Resap Kue Nastar in Windows, Mac, Linux PC. This app has been installed over 443 times. The latest version of the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar, which is 1.9 is already have released at Oct 11, 2021. Let’s help you download the app on your PC and enjoy it on computers like you do on your phone.

The technical specifications of the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar for PC are the ones that set it apart and why it’s so popular. Go through those from this section:

Aneka Resap Kue Nastar Andorid App Summary

Aneka Resap Kue Nastar was developed by Delldroid and they’ve done a good job keeping it highly user friendly. You can download Aneka Resap Kue Nastar from Google Play Store under the Food & Drink category. The latest version of Aneka Resap Kue Nastar is 1.9 on Play store with total users of 443. The Aneka Resap Kue Nastar app has a user rating of 0.0 which is impressive.

The latest update date of the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar is Oct 11, 2021. Although it’s easy to install it on Android, it’s not that easy to do so on PC. You need to use an emulator to do so. The most popular emulators would be NOX player, BlueStacks, and Memu Emulator to install it on PC.

We will talk about how to install and use the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar on your computer using the emulators. The step-by-step guides below will help you do so.

Download & Install Aneka Resap Kue Nastar For PC: Windows 10/8/7

Installing the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar using NOX player is a fairly simple process. Using this emulator is a great way to use any Android app on a PC. Here are the steps you’ll have to follow to install the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar on your PC:

  • Download the Nox player emulator on your computer and install it by double-clicking the installation file from download folder.
  • It will take a few minutes to install on your PC. The time will depend on the specs of your computer. The higher the specs, the faster the installation.
  • Once installed, you’ll see the Play store icon on the top right corner area of NOX Player emulator.
  • Open the Play store app, and log into your google account. Then, you’ll see the familiar interface you see on your phone.
  • Click on the search bar, and search for Aneka Resap Kue Nastar here. You’ll see it on the search result page in the first position.
  • Choose the first result and click on the Install button on screen. This will start downloading the app on your computer.
  • As it’s now installed on your PC, no problem running it. You can launch the app from the NOX player homepage or your Desktop.
Aneka Resap Kue Nastar App Specification
App Name: Aneka Resap Kue Nastar On Your PC
Devoloper Name: Delldroid
Latest Version: 1.9
Android Version: 4.1
Supporting OS: Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name: com.Delldroid.AnekaResepKueNastar.Resep.Makanan.Kue
Download: 443+
Category: Food & Drink
Updated on: Oct 11, 2021
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Aneka Resap Kue Nastar App Overview and Details

Kue kering dengan bentuk bulat ini biasanya menjadi hidangan camilan yang wajib saat hari raya Lebaran. Tetapi sebenarnya kue nastar ini juga enak dan nikmat untuk dijadikan camilan sehari-hari lho. Rasanya yang gurih dengan perpaduan manis dan asamnya selai nanas pasti membuat ketagihan setiap orang yang memakannya.

Kue nastar memang salah satu kue kering Lebaran yang paling banyak disukai oleh keluarga Indonesia. Hampir bisa dipastikan kalau kue kering satu ini pasti ada di meja tamu atau toples saat Lebaran tiba. Bahkan mungkin kalau tidak ada kue nastar ini pasti ada yang menanyakannya.

Bahan-bahan untuk membuat kue nastar sih sebenarnya cukup sederhana. Tidak beda jauh dengan bahan untuk membuat kue kering Lebaran yang lainnya. Tetapi banyak di antara kita yang gagal dan hasil jadinya tidak lembut dan bahkan keras. Malah mungkin pecah saat dipanggang di oven atau terlalu gosong sehingga tidak cantik warnanya.

Cara membuat kue nastar yang lembut dan lumer di mulut memang membutuhkan perhatian khusus. Untuk membuat kue nastar yang empuk dan tidak mengeras, pertama yang harus diperhatikan adalah saat mengocok atau mixer butternya. Jangan terlalu lama dan saat mengaduk adonan juga cukup menggunakan spatula saja. Jangan menguleni dengan tangan karena nanti bisa membuat butternya lumer. Adonan resep kue nastar yang sudah jadi sebaiknya langsung dibikin saat itu juga, jangan menunggu lama bisa membuat adonan yang mengandung butter tadi sedikit lembek dan hasilnya tidak renyah.

Tips selanjutnya untuk membuat kue nastar yang lembut adalah jangan dipanggang dengan api terlalu besar. Kalau menggunakan oven terlalu panas selain bisa gosong juga akan membuat kulit nastarnya nanti gampang pecah dan retak-retak. Adonan untuk kulit kue nya juga jangan terlalu tipis ya. Selain itu isi selai nanas nya juga secukupnya saja.

Whats New In this Aneka Resap Kue Nastar?



You can use the 1.9 of Aneka Resap Kue Nastar app in the PC using the emulator. Also, the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar app, Delldroid offers better features and usability compared to similar apps, and easier to use on bigger computer screen.

You’ll find very little number of apps like Aneka Resap Kue Nastar in the Food & Drink. The multi screen usage also is good for Aneka Resap Kue Nastar if you use the emulator we’ve suggested above to run it. It is available on Android, Desktop, Laptop, as well as Mac.

If you faced any problem using the app, contact through the Delldroid to get support. You can also let us know that so that we can also help you resolve it.

So, did you find the guide on how to download the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar for PC above? If you did, or if you have any questions regarding it, do comment and let us know. We’re here to help.


We refer the ownership of This Aneka Resap Kue Nastar to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for Aneka Resap Kue Nastar and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.

Here at windowsoffline, we also don’t use our own server to download the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the Aneka Resap Kue Nastar.

If you have any query about the app or about windowsoffline, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.